January 2012: Chinese New Year Celebration @ UK's Singletary Center.
Sophie is a Chinese teacher who was in a class Ben took last summer.
February 2012: Xi'an Crew with Flat Stanley dolls from a local elementary school.
L-R: Dr. Henry (she is the UK faculty who will be in Xi'an with the student teachers the entire length of the program), Joe (local high school faculty who will be in Xi'an for 2 weeks), Dr. Huajing Maske (director of the Confucius Institute @ UK), Dr. Fawson (he will be visiting us in Xi'an and has been very instrumental in this entire program), Carrie, Kevin, Kathryn (GA who is helping to organize this program--the "go-to" person for all the minute details of this trip), Ben, Kelly, Barry, Stacey.