Wednesday, April 11, 2012

...connecting teachers: Xi'an to Lexington...

During the last month, the English teachers at the Gaoxin No. 2 Primary School here in Xi’an have certainly earned my respect.  Their interest in student achievement, their dedication to their work and their cooperative spirit has been outstanding to me.  The English teachers share a common office which allows for ideal proximity for discussing lesson plans, subject material and student progress.  They warmly welcomed me into this office and their classrooms.  As my internship continued, our discussions of Chinese and American teaching methods became more frequent and productive. 

On my last “official” day at the Primary School, Dr. Laurie Henry, the University of Kentucky professor who is supervising the University of Kentucky student teachers here in China, visited with the English teaching staff.  Dr. Henry facilitated a discussion in which the teachers were eager to learn about American standards, examinations and classroom practices.  We look forward to continuing this dialogue! 


  1. Wow I didn't realize how far behind I was..... sure was nice to get up to date. Very interesting..... I could see you taking that ride and checking the brakes out ;) I even got excited when I saw the donuts until you mentioned what was in some.

    1. And they even have Oreos! :) If you read Ben's blog, you'll get more info on the food.
      Thanks for your note!
